Monday 12.30.13

100 American swing @53/35 100 pull-up 100 du 100 ohs @95/65 25 min cap Scale: 50 reps of everything/ hap Tabata: plank/superman x16

Saturday 12.28.13

Strength: push press 7×1 Wod: DL 7×1

Friday 12.27.13

Dear CFC family, Today will be my last day coaching the MWF 5 am class. I want to thank the Berlins for allowing me to coach a wonderful group of people. It has been a pleasure watching you all progress as athletes and people. Each and every one of you are special! Thank you! Coach [...]

Thursday 12.26.13

Warmup: 3x 10 burpees 10 squat 10 dive bomb push-ups Strength: FSQ 7×1 Wod: 500m row Then 3x 5 thruster @185/120 5 mu (15 pull-ups)

Tuesday 12.24.13

Warmup: 15′s plank/superman/passthrough/squat Strength: split jerk 7×1 30mins Wod: 5rft 12 wallballs 20/14 all 10 feet 12 box jump @24/20

Monday 12.23.13

Happy Eve before Christmas Eve day! Warmup: 100 du (300 singles) then 30/20/30 Strength: BSQ 7×1 30 mins Wod: 5min amrap 3 CTB 6 T2B 12 s2oh @95/65

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